Lisa Coyle


Yoga Teacher

Lisa has been a practitioner of yoga for over 35 years and has been teaching for almost 20 years.  Lisa’s classes are centered around the fundamental idea in yoga that there is a place in each of us that endures and is un-changing.  Our lives are full of ups and downs, of pleasure and pain, of joy and despair.  Yoga science is the methodology that empowers us to access that unchanging place of wholeness in the midst of all the change in our lives.  

In Lisa’s class you will use the postures to challenge the physical body in a way that also trains the nervous system to respond to stress and the challenges of our lives.  Lisa uses her training as an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist to share practices that balance and enliven the physical and energetic bodies.  Students will find the format very similar to other Flow practices, with more of an emphasis on the strength and stability found through holding poses for longer periods of time. 

Lisa teaches with love and respect for the practice and for the lineage of her teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker who teaches from an unbroken lineage of Sri Vidya from the Himalayan masters of India.  She holds certifications as a Para Yoga Nidra teacher, a Yoga4Cancer teacher, a Holistic Health Coach and Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist.